Got ourselves a new wrap making carrying Eliza around much easier. This of course coincided with the sun disappearing since apparently we moved to Seattle instead of Boston.
Trying to get more pics of Cam and her daughter. Naptime!
And bathtime. Eliza looks less like an old man in this picture in her robe than the first time we posted one.
Last weekend Dao came to visit which was lots of fun.
By the way, for the next two pictures, check out in #1 that we are using something called the snotsucker. And in #2, love her socks that look like shoes!
Not only did Dao's visit mean Eliza got to have fun with Dao, but also we got to benefit from a) her extensive knowledge from nannying and b) her skills with the camera and touching up photos! So some of these will probably be among the better pics we've wasn't due to our artistic touch!